We had our last "official" study meeting of the spring last week, and people seemed to like Rodman House, so I'll be working with folks at Holy Comforter to see if we can make that our venue in the fall. We agreed that beginning in September we will meet on TUESDAY nights -- In September it will be the second and fourth Tuesdays, so September 9 and 23, and then going to first and third Tuesdays starting in October to avoid the holidays - so October 7 and 21, November 4 and 18, December 1 and 15. We will be looking at passages from the prophets, especially the book of Isaiah, that also turn up in the New Testament, using that as a way in to this important and interesting tradition in Hebrew Scripture.
To start out summer plans: You are all invited to my house for a cookout on June 28, starting at 5 PM. I will email directions soon and if you don't get them please feel free to email me to ask.
We also have other ideas in the works for get togethers over the summer- peach-picking, rafting, getting together for dinner out at local restaurants. Watch for emails and feel free to propose something -- everyone seems to be up for staying in touch in fun ways over the summer, with a break from study but continuing to have time together.
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