A group of young adults in our 20's and 30's,we gather twice a month for food, fellowship, Bible study and prayer. We enjoy reading the Bible in fresh and faithful ways, and we value diversity in race, gender, sexual orientation, denomination and outlook on life. We meet year-round on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. For more info, directions, etc. please contact joelwinstead@gmail.com or pathfindersyoungadults@gmail.com
Our retreat last fall: What does it mean to "Live in Hope?"
This was the announcement for our fall retreat in 2014. Watch this space for info about the 2015 retreat at Lost River.
Fall Retreat: "What Does it Mean to Live in Hope? Ever since "hope and change" became a political slogan we have become cynical in our culture about the possibility of living in hope. But hope is the core of the Biblical message and the call to a life of Christian discipleship. What does it mean to live in hope, what is the connection between hope and the other core virtues we think of as guiding our Christian lives: faith and love? What gets in the way of living in hope? How might we help each other to live more deeply lives of hope, and what might that look like in each of our lives, and in our common lives? Big questions, good to explore in a beautiful natural setting on, we hope, a lovely fall weekend. Leader: Kathy Staudt, possibly with a co-leader.
The retreat will be Lost River Retreat Center November 15-17 2014. We will plan on meeting up for dinner out Friday night in Lost River (details to follow) and then gathering for evening worship and moving into the retreat Friday night. We'll be together all day Saturday and take our leave around noon on Sunday. That schedule seemed to work last year! Registration is now open for our retreat . Follow this link: Cost is $149 per person for the weekend, including 2 nights and all meals -- not a bad deal, but I know it may still be a stretch for some of you. However, folks at VBC have told me to make sure that NO ONE is deterred by finances - there is a scholarship fund available so please register if you'd like to come and then let me know how much you'll need from the scholarship fund.
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