Dinner at 7 - study starting around 8 - sometimes a little earlier, followed by prayers. We finish by 9.
Mach 24: Reading: Selections from Mark 4-7: parables and challenges in Jesus' teaching and actions, The disciples who don't "get it" in Mark's gospel.
April 7: Reading: Mark 8: 27-9:1 (Ch 7 in commentary): "Who do you say that I am?
April 21: Reading: Mark 15-16 (Ch 13 in commentary): "What just happened?" Three versions of the Easter Story in Mark
May 5: Reading: Mark 11-12 (Ch 9 in commentary): Caesar, God and the Temple -- how to live faithfully amid so many authority structures.
May 19: Reading: Mark 14: (Ch 11 in commentary) Jesus' death as a clue to the meaning of the gospel.
June 2: Reading: Mark 15-16 (Ch 12 and 13 in commentary) – Review and celebration, and looking ahead to next year.
Other events in June TBD
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