Our next meeting is this Tuesday at the Johnsons' home, 7-9 as
usual. Joe and Carolanne are cooking and we'll sign up for meal-nights
when we meet. Whether or not you've been reading the psalms this week
you'll be able to join in the discussion (there's never "homework" for
this group). 2-3 psalms a day gets us to Psalm 37, which we will
probably look at together. But particularly interesting is the variety
of ways-of-praying that we see in Psalms 22-25. That's probably where
I'll start, as we discuss the contexts of these prayers and how they do
don't) resonate with us today!
I will likely be hanging out at the Starbuck's in Oakton VA for a few hours before our meeting this week - my usual practice to get out ahead of the traffic. I expect to be there starting around 4:00. If you're just reading about this group online, or if you're in the group and just want to chat, feel free to come find me there!
Looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday - please spread the word and bring a friend if you can.
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