Wow - this past week really sped by -- it was great to be with everyone last Monday. I was really moved, actually, by the way that reading the story of the woman at the well as a "drama" brought the story to life. And it felt to me as if the discussion led to some fresh insights about what an "encounter with Jesus" is all about in the Gospel of John.
We'll come back to the gospel of John at our meeting on January 2, but our NEXT meeting will be a Christmas potluck: So far, here's who's bringingwhat; Joe and Carolanne -main dish; Heidi - green bean casserole; Joel- bread; Cameron - fruit & cheese, Kathy -homemade Christmas cookies; Mary Beth - salad; Ben - drinks. If you didn't get to sign up just bring yourself and whatever you'd like to contribute in the way of food - or just bring yourself - and bring a friend. Heidi will bring some games. Joe & I will bring our guitars and I'll bring some carol books so we can do some Christmas singing -- perhaps with a bit of theological commentary on a couple of my favorites!
7:00 on Monday December 19 at the Johnsons -- come back if you haven't been in awhile; Come for the first time if you're new. Feel free to be in touch with me at if you need directions to the Johnsons' home.
Hi everyone - one more note on the Christmas party -- We are not exchanging gifts, but if you feel so moved, bring a donation to the Lamb Center - even a can of coffee or a package of paper towels is appreciated there. Here is their mission statement: "To end homelessness by transforming lives through Christian spirituality,counseling and service. To carry out its mission, The Lamb Center focuses on proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ in word and action to poor, hurting and homeless people in our community and to love them and serve them as Jesus would do." This shelter is open during the day and helps those in need search for jobs, do laundry, shower, and eat.