Hi everyone --Hope everyone has had a great Thanksgiving! Our next meeting is Monday December 5. The Bible study part will focus on the gospel of John, Chapter 4, the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman. If you have a chance to look at this story ahead of time, pay attention to the "drama" of it -- who would you be, if you were in the story? What about this woman - she's a pretty fully drawn character. What does she find out about Jesus in the course of the conversation? What do we find out about him, watching him interact with her and the others in the story? I'm looking forward to our convesration about this chapter -- as well as our conversations over dinner- - and hope we'll be welcoming back some of you who haven't been able to come in awhile!
Meanwhile - 3 other things to think about looking ahead
1. December 19 we said we'd have a Christmas potluck, maybe with some carol-singing and other party activities for the season. Do plan on coming, bringing food and friends to this evening.
2. Some of you are already signed up to help out at the Hypothermia shelter at Fairfax UMC January 29-February 1. We'll share more information about this at dinner Monday night but you can check out he signup sheet at
www.signupgenius.com/go/fairfax8 and enter the password
Winter. They also have info about needs for monetary donations, gift cards etc. Let's think about working some of this into the "gift-giving" part of our Christmas party.
3. SAVE THE DATE: We're hoping to have a retreat at Lost River Retreat Center May 11-13, 2012. Plans are still evolving but it's important to make sure people can come -- so do mark your calendars now!
See you Monday night, I hope!