Hi everyone -- just to report on last night's meeting (I'm thinking it might be good to do followup posts so that people who didn't make it can know something of what's going on. For various reasons it was just me and Natalie last night - illness, travel and moving hassles all arose on the same night. But we hung out for most of the allotted time, anyway, enjoying good food provided by Tom and Mary, had a good conversation on various aspects of Life, the Universe and Everything and got to know each other. I really value this kind of one-on-one conversation and hope for more opportunities -- though of course it will also be great to have people back next time. This does confirm one thing for me about this group, though -- it's important just to keep the door open and have it happening on the 1st and 3rd Monday nights, whoever can come. So always come when you can, and I'll be there when I can, which should be most of the time!
Still - hoping that by next time Heidi and Kunal will be back (particularly since you're cooking, H&K), Carolanne will be further along on the mend, Cameron will be moved in, Joel & John back from travels, etc.!
Something to think about in the meantime: Who would be up for a retreat in the spring? I'd be glad to lead it. We could go to Lost River, perhaps for a weekend in early May? Need to get something on the calendar soon, so think about it.
We'll resume our study of John next week, with the Nicodemus story and maybe the stories in Chapter 4 too -- more on this as I mull it all over over the next few weeks.