I'm looking forward to getting back with you all on September 1 to begin our fall study of the book of Deuteronomy -- I'll be posting more soon, but we'll be looking at this challenging and controversial book of the Bible primarily by asking the quesiton: "What does it mean to be the people of God" and "How does this affect the way we live?"
I know the group has already been meeting all summer for a study of the book of James, under Joel's able leadership -- I've added his email to this website as the primary leader of the group. I'll be showing up once a month in the fall term because I really want to be part of this discussion of Deuteronomy, but after December Joel will be taking on the leadership of this group, which seems to be going strong already under his able leadership!
Watch this space (and perhaps a link to my blog) for more about September 1 - when we'll be meeting as usual at Rodman House at 7:00. I look forward to seeing you all then -- KATHY