Saturday, April 18, 2015

Our Next Meeting April 21 7-9: Recap of themes in Isaiah so far - and onward

"Jesse Tree" icon

Hi Everyone
Welcome to spring, at last!  I'm looking forward to seeing you all at our meeting this Tuesday evening, 7-9 at Rodman House, on the campus of Holy Comforter Episcopal Church.  I'm told our meeting space is now back in order so it should be comfortable again.

We will be welcoming Austin Almaguer, the pastor of Vienna Baptist, and his wife Allison, as guests - and also I hope a newcomer, Sammy Dhaliwal, who found us online and is (I hope - Sammy?) planning to come.   I'll bring our usual light refreshments, and plan on doing a bit of "where have we been and where are we now?"  around our ongoing study of the book of Isaiah and where it turns up in the New Testament. This will help as we turn our attention to the last part of the Book of Isaiah, which reflects among other things about what it means to be the "people of God" -- and we'll see what New Testament writers have made of parts of this. This will be a kind of "re-entry" into our focus on Isaiah after last time's slight but appropriate  detour into Easter themes and the Road to Emmaus story.  We may also encounter some more Easter themes as we look back and forth between Old Testament and new - you never know! 

Hoping to see most of you on Tuesday! 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Happy Easter - and meeting April 7

Alleluia! Christ is Risen! Greetings to all. 

 Just a reminder to all that the Young Adults group is  meeting tomorrow -- we will be back in Rodman House, though may need to meet on the upper floor as they say they haven't quite gotten around to moving the furniture back where it was downstairs -- I said we could help with that and they said that would be great if we can though the furniture is pretty heavy - but if you can help with that, great! 

We will be looking at the story of Jesus and the disciples on the Road to Emmaus and also some parts of Isaiah we've looked at before , Isaiah 49, and especially 13-20.   The story of how the risen Christ "opened their eyes to understand the Scriptures" seems especially relevant to our study of Isaiah and we can plan on taking seriously, this time, the idea of how these texts we have been reading were understood as prophecies of Jesus' death and resurrection and what they say to us today.  Also Isaiah 49:8 and 2 Corinthians 6:2 "Now is the acceptable time. Now is the day of our salvation!"  We'll focus this time on how it all comes together in the New Testament Easter stories.