Hi again everyone. We had a great experience visiting with the participants in the FACETS hypothermia shelter at Holy Comforter last time (if you look closely at the photo you'll see Tyler & David working with some of the youth from Holy Comforter, helping to serve.
1/20/15 Isaiah’s “light to the Gentiles” and
Christian interpretation (celebration of Epiphany and the coming of the Wise
2/3 Isaiah 42: 1st “servant song” and shifting
understandings of what it means to be “God’s people”
2/17: Shrove Tuesday/ “Mardi Gras” – Social
event TBA????
3/3 The “servant
songs” in Isaiah 52-55– how NT writers understood these in telling the story of
Jesus. Isaiah. We’ll be working through
these, and New Testament parallels, throughout the season of Lent
3/17: Servant
4/7 Isaiah 55 and
God’s promises
4/21 The end of Isaiah, reflected in the book of Acts
and in Revelation. New understandings of
who God wants to be for God’s people
In May and early June could shift focus to a bigger theme,
e.g. what does it mean to be “God’s people?” looking at key passages in Old and
New Testament – or we may find we have more to say about Isaiah.
After a summer break, for fall of 2015 I’m thinking maybe a New
Testament focus again – maybe a thematic approach: the parables?
The miracles? Think about it. . .