Hi everyone - a note from Kathy
I'm looking forward to getting back with you all on September 1 to begin our fall study of the book of Deuteronomy -- I'll be posting more soon, but we'll be looking at this challenging and controversial book of the Bible primarily by asking the quesiton: "What does it mean to be the people of God" and "How does this affect the way we live?"
I know the group has already been meeting all summer for a study of the book of James, under Joel's able leadership -- I've added his email to this website as the primary leader of the group. I'll be showing up once a month in the fall term because I really want to be part of this discussion of Deuteronomy, but after December Joel will be taking on the leadership of this group, which seems to be going strong already under his able leadership!
Watch this space (and perhaps a link to my blog) for more about September 1 - when we'll be meeting as usual at Rodman House at 7:00. I look forward to seeing you all then -- KATHY
A group of young adults in our 20's and 30's,we gather twice a month for food, fellowship, Bible study and prayer. We enjoy reading the Bible in fresh and faithful ways, and we value diversity in race, gender, sexual orientation, denomination and outlook on life. We meet year-round on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. For more info, directions, etc. please contact joelwinstead@gmail.com or pathfindersyoungadults@gmail.com
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Some photos of the Empower the Homeless Walk - Meeting June 16, and plans for the Summer!
Jamila (with Kaya), Tyler, David & Micah, Joel |
The group is continuing to meet through the summer -- next meeting is Tuesday June 16, and then first and third Tuesdays in July and August.
Also mark your calendars for our Summer Potluck on June 30 - at Rodman House, where we'll be able to grill out, enjoy the patio and the light of a long summer evening (let's hope for good weather!) Think about what you want to bring for the celebration of this past year together!
Topics for the summer will be determined by the group but people do want to keep on meeting and exploring the issues we've been talking about around Isaiah and the New Testament - and perhaps dipping into the study of Deuteronomy as background to the gospel of Matthew, two books of the Bible that will be our focus during the program year 2015-16, starting in September.
Tyler, David and Micah |
Kathy and Jamila |
Friday, May 29, 2015
Walking to Empower the Homeless on May 30!
Some of us are participating in the Walk for the Homeless in Northern Virginia in support of the "Empower the Homeless" campaign at Samaritan Ministry of Greater Washington. Info on the successful walk in DC earlier this month can be found here. Here is the info for those of us who are walking - please join us even if you haven't said you're coming!
a. ARRIVAL/TRANSPORTATION. We gather at St. George’s Episcopal Church, 915 North Oakland St., Arlington @ 9 a.m. to launch our walk to St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 2609 North Glebe Rd., Arlington where we will land. Coffee ‘n donuts or the like are available @ St. George’s – thank you St. George’s! St. George’s is METRO accessible: Virginia Square stop is the closest. Encourage folks to car pool or take METRO. Various Good Samaritan’s will be on hand to shuttle you back to St. George’s at the end of the walk (including but not limited to St. Mary’s van – thank you St. Mary’s!) Staff and Organizers will be there by 8:30 for you early birds!
b. REGISTRATION & CONTRIBUTIONS. No one has to pay to walk, though we encourage a contribution to Samaritan Ministry and want to register everyone we can. If you contribute at least $50 you will receive a t-shirt! Folks can register in advance off our website at www.samaritanministry.org or in person @ St. George’s.
c. PRAY for a good turnout and PLEASE,
- Forward the flyer attached or the e-blast that we sent last week (and will send again tonight) to your own networks . . . the more the merrier.
- Ensure that news of Saturday’s walk runs in your parish e-blast if one is going out today!
- As we have encouraged before, if your parish works with folks who include our homeless neighbors please encourage them to join us!
d. SIGNS and BANNERS! Walking is great, but how effective will we be if we are not noticed?
So, as we have encouraged before please make signs such as “Honk for the Homeless!” (as some of our more youthful citizens have coined) or “End Homelessness NOW!” Or “Housing FIRST!!” or whatever you think . . . and make them big. Also, bring your church’s banner to process.
e. WALKING RAIN or SHINE! After all, we’re walking for our homeless neighbors, who have to cope with the weather whatever it is . . . if it is a downpour we will gather inside the host church building, though the forecast is good.
f. BRING A WATER BOTTLE! It is going to be hot, though we will not be walking in the worst heat of the day.
g. BATHROOMS will be available at both St. George’s and St. Mary’s.
h. CALLING ALL SONG LEADERS! If you have good recall of marching and/or protest songs, please make yourselves known! I have some, but really need some help . . .
We are grateful for whoever comes and for prayers from those who cannot. True to the rich, regional nature of our Partnership, this walk is for all our partners – and I am aware of people and parishes from Maryland and the District already committed to crossing the Potomac Ocean for the Arlington Walk . . . thanks be to God.
Any questions in advance of the walk, please contact me, David Wolf at dwolf@samaritanministry.org or 201-693-1764 © or our Development Director, Don McCrabb, dmccrabb@samaritanministry.org or 202-669-4997 ©.
May we empower our homeless neighbors! David+
Monday, May 4, 2015
Meeting Tuesday May 5 -- Isaiah 59
Hi everyone - I'm late posting but hoping you've all got it in mind to show up tomorrow for Bible study. Our focus will be Isaiah 59 -- and hope we can get into just what we do with these passages in the Bible that seem to be about judgement but also, wierdly, about mercy -- - what's the relationship between judgement and justice (this coming off of Isaiah 58, which we looked at awhile back (see post here). How do issues about "who's an insider and who's an outsider" continue to haunt the people of God today? What do these passages have to say to us if we want to be authentically faithful in our time?
If we have time, we may also look at where this passage gets quoted in the New Testament especially Romans 3 and 11 and Ephesians 6
If we have time, we may also look at where this passage gets quoted in the New Testament especially Romans 3 and 11 and Ephesians 6
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Our Next Meeting April 21 7-9: Recap of themes in Isaiah so far - and onward
"Jesse Tree" icon |
Hi Everyone
Welcome to spring, at last! I'm looking forward to seeing you all at our meeting this Tuesday evening, 7-9 at Rodman House, on the campus of Holy Comforter Episcopal Church. I'm told our meeting space is now back in order so it should be comfortable again.
We will be welcoming Austin Almaguer, the pastor of Vienna Baptist, and his wife Allison, as guests - and also I hope a newcomer, Sammy Dhaliwal, who found us online and is (I hope - Sammy?) planning to come. I'll bring our usual light refreshments, and plan on doing a bit of "where have we been and where are we now?" around our ongoing study of the book of Isaiah and where it turns up in the New Testament. This will help as we turn our attention to the last part of the Book of Isaiah, which reflects among other things about what it means to be the "people of God" -- and we'll see what New Testament writers have made of parts of this. This will be a kind of "re-entry" into our focus on Isaiah after last time's slight but appropriate detour into Easter themes and the Road to Emmaus story. We may also encounter some more Easter themes as we look back and forth between Old Testament and new - you never know!
Hoping to see most of you on Tuesday!
Monday, April 6, 2015
Happy Easter - and meeting April 7
Alleluia! Christ is Risen! Greetings to all.
Just a reminder to all that the Young Adults group is meeting tomorrow -- we will be back in Rodman House, though may need to meet on the upper floor as they say they haven't quite gotten around to moving the furniture back where it was downstairs -- I said we could help with that and they said that would be great if we can though the furniture is pretty heavy - but if you can help with that, great!
Just a reminder to all that the Young Adults group is meeting tomorrow -- we will be back in Rodman House, though may need to meet on the upper floor as they say they haven't quite gotten around to moving the furniture back where it was downstairs -- I said we could help with that and they said that would be great if we can though the furniture is pretty heavy - but if you can help with that, great!
We will be looking at the story of Jesus and the disciples on the Road to Emmaus and also some parts of Isaiah we've looked at before , Isaiah 49, and especially 13-20. The story of how the risen Christ "opened their eyes to understand the Scriptures" seems especially relevant to our study of Isaiah and we can plan on taking seriously, this time, the idea of how these texts we have been reading were understood as prophecies of Jesus' death and resurrection and what they say to us today. Also Isaiah 49:8 and 2 Corinthians 6:2 "Now is the acceptable time. Now is the day of our salvation!" We'll focus this time on how it all comes together in the New Testament Easter stories.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Next Meeting: Tuesday March 3, 7-9 : Isaiah 58
Here's part of the text from Isaiah, Chapter 58 that we'll be looking at this week, and relating it to some of the sayings of Jesus in Matthew 25. It comes up just as we're being given an opportunity to participate in a service project, so it should be an appropriate time an way to study and pray with this chapter. We have also been invited to join members of Holy Comforter in collecting groceries for families in need in the Fairfax area through an organization called "Our Daily Bread." Most needed items include:
Canned fruits, Juice/juice boxes, Pasta sauce (plastic jars or cans), Rice, Dinner kits, Macaroni and cheese
Crackers/cookies, Toilet paper, Shampoo/conditioner, Toothpaste, Coffee/tea.
Please do some shopping and bring what you can Tuesday night. There are also opportunities to help with packing and delivering food to families this weekend. Let me know if you're interested- and we'll have more info on Tuesday.
Hope to see many of you at our gathering this Tuesday evening!
. . . . . . Sunday, February 15, 2015
Pancakes for Mardi Gras! -Tuesday Feb 17, 7:30 at IHOP
So the consensus seems to be that the group will meet for pancakes at IHOP, on Blake Lane in Fairfax -- At 7:30 Tuesday evening, February 17.
Why pancakes? Why "Shrove Tuesday?" As we discussed last time, this is an old custom in northern European Christian churches, especially (the southern celebration being "Mardi Gras" or "Fat Tuesday") -- the old custom was that during Lent people would fast from meat, fat, eggs and dairy products -- so the night before Ash Wednesday, when Lent began, was a time to have a great feast to use up all those ingredients that would not be consumed during Lent. Hence pancake suppers on Shrove Tuesday. (It's called Shrove Tuesday after the word "shrive/shriven" -- meaning to be given forgiveness and absolution from one's sins, referring to the Catholic custom of making a confession the day before Lent begins in preparation for the season of penitence.
Why pancakes? Why "Shrove Tuesday?" As we discussed last time, this is an old custom in northern European Christian churches, especially (the southern celebration being "Mardi Gras" or "Fat Tuesday") -- the old custom was that during Lent people would fast from meat, fat, eggs and dairy products -- so the night before Ash Wednesday, when Lent began, was a time to have a great feast to use up all those ingredients that would not be consumed during Lent. Hence pancake suppers on Shrove Tuesday. (It's called Shrove Tuesday after the word "shrive/shriven" -- meaning to be given forgiveness and absolution from one's sins, referring to the Catholic custom of making a confession the day before Lent begins in preparation for the season of penitence.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Meeting this Tuesday February 3 7-9PM
Saturday, January 17, 2015
For the New Year - continuing with Isaiah, the gospels, and the "servant songs"
Hi again everyone. We had a great experience visiting with the participants in the FACETS hypothermia shelter at Holy Comforter last time (if you look closely at the photo you'll see Tyler & David working with some of the youth from Holy Comforter, helping to serve.
1/20/15 Isaiah’s “light to the Gentiles” and
Christian interpretation (celebration of Epiphany and the coming of the Wise
2/3 Isaiah 42: 1st “servant song” and shifting
understandings of what it means to be “God’s people”
2/17: Shrove Tuesday/ “Mardi Gras” – Social
event TBA????
3/3 The “servant
songs” in Isaiah 52-55– how NT writers understood these in telling the story of
Jesus. Isaiah. We’ll be working through
these, and New Testament parallels, throughout the season of Lent
3/17: Servant
4/7 Isaiah 55 and
God’s promises
4/21 The end of Isaiah, reflected in the book of Acts
and in Revelation. New understandings of
who God wants to be for God’s people
In May and early June could shift focus to a bigger theme,
e.g. what does it mean to be “God’s people?” looking at key passages in Old and
New Testament – or we may find we have more to say about Isaiah.
After a summer break, for fall of 2015 I’m thinking maybe a New
Testament focus again – maybe a thematic approach: the parables?
The miracles? Think about it. . .
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Happy New Year! Meeting this Tuesday January 6 - FACETS hypothermia shelter at Holy Comforter
Hi everyone - as we agreed, we will be spending this week's meeting with the homeless folks who are sheltering this week at Holy Comforter as part of the FACETS hypothermia shelter program. (Read more about it here and here.
Tuesday is the feast of the "Epiphany" -- celebrating the coming of the Wise Men to see the child who is born to be King. We will talk perhaps this time, definitely next time, about how this story of the kings coming to visit the newborn Christ child is connected to prophecies in Isaiah. This week we'll look at the story if we have a chance.
But it will be, mainly, an evening to improvise and welcome new people and experiences. Here's how it will go:
We will gather for dinner at 6:30 in the main parish hall building at Holy Comforter -- i.e. NOT at our usual meeting place in Rodman House. I've signed us up to eat with the guests. There will be a service to celebrate the feast of Epiphany from 7:30-8:30 in the church, and we may want to plan on attending it with the guests. If there's time afterward, I will come prepared to lead an informal Bible study that guests can also participate in with us in case that looks like a good idea. Mostly, though, this will be a chance to offer hospitality and join in a good ministry to folks who need shelter and good company while they're going through a rough time.
Please confirm with me if you can whether you're planning to come so I can make sure I've given them about the right numbers for dinner -- come any time between 4 and 8:30 to join in our part of the "shift" if you want.
Looking forward to a special experience. Hope to see you all on Tuesday night!
Tuesday is the feast of the "Epiphany" -- celebrating the coming of the Wise Men to see the child who is born to be King. We will talk perhaps this time, definitely next time, about how this story of the kings coming to visit the newborn Christ child is connected to prophecies in Isaiah. This week we'll look at the story if we have a chance.
But it will be, mainly, an evening to improvise and welcome new people and experiences. Here's how it will go:
We will gather for dinner at 6:30 in the main parish hall building at Holy Comforter -- i.e. NOT at our usual meeting place in Rodman House. I've signed us up to eat with the guests. There will be a service to celebrate the feast of Epiphany from 7:30-8:30 in the church, and we may want to plan on attending it with the guests. If there's time afterward, I will come prepared to lead an informal Bible study that guests can also participate in with us in case that looks like a good idea. Mostly, though, this will be a chance to offer hospitality and join in a good ministry to folks who need shelter and good company while they're going through a rough time.
Please confirm with me if you can whether you're planning to come so I can make sure I've given them about the right numbers for dinner -- come any time between 4 and 8:30 to join in our part of the "shift" if you want.
Looking forward to a special experience. Hope to see you all on Tuesday night!
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