Sunday, May 18, 2014

Hi everyone - looking forward to seeing you Monday May 19 7-9 at Caffee Amouri.  We'll be looking at some stories in Mark 14 and also brainstorming a bit about the rest of the spring and plans for the summer.

We'll be reflecting on 3 stories in this part of Mark's gospel:  The anointing of Jesus by an unnamed woman;  Jesus' relationship with his disciples the night before he dies (especially in the garden of Gethsemane) and Peter's denial of Jesus.  Familiar stories to some of us, new to others -- and we'll talk together about what Mark's take on them is, and how they speak to us now.

Hope to see you all Monday night!


Saturday, May 3, 2014

Caffe Amouri - our new venue for the spring

Hi everyone. We will be meeting this Monday March 5, 7-9, at Caffee Amouri.  We all really enjoyed hanging out there last time, and talking about the resurrection.  This week we'll flip back to Mark 11-12, Jesus' comments about Caesar, the temple, and authority -- a chance to reflect on what this gospel might have to say to us about authority structures we live with in our own time.

Hoping you can join us!