Hi everyone
I meant to post sooner this photo from our retreat in May. Finding it reminded me of how I've missed everyone (including those not in the photo!) - and looking forward to seeing you all again in September. We will be meeting at the Johnsons' from 7-9 as usual on September 18, and then on first and third Tuesdays going forward. We agreed that it would be "potluck" the first time, and I'm inclined to let it be just that -- just bring what you want to. But if you want to tell me what you're bringing you can email me at kathleen.staudt@gmail.com and I can try to coordinate a little bit. We've never had too little food and it usually works if everyone brings something they'd like to share.
Our study focus this fall will be on the book of Psalms, and I've had a good summer returning to the psalms and commentaries on them. Our focus will be both on where the psalms come from and, just as important, how they reflect different ways of praying and can lead us into prayer. I've been looking at the psalm texts in the King James version and also in a little book by Nan C. Merrill called Psalms for Praying, which paraphrase the psalms into much more intimate prayers. There is lots to talk about n the psalms -- the parts that trouble and put us off, the familiar lines that seem to resonate down through the ages, the ways that people pray, from wild thanksgiving to angry and dark lament. I look forward to looking at these profound and beautiful poems with you and reflecting together on how they do (and sometimes don't) speak to where we are in our lives with God.
Please feel free to get in touch with me if you're thinking of coming for the first time and need directions (if it's your first time please don't worry about bringing food!), or if you have any other ideas or concerns about the year ahead. I really look forward to being with you all again soon!
--Blessings to all

A group of young adults in our 20's and 30's,we gather twice a month for food, fellowship, Bible study and prayer. We enjoy reading the Bible in fresh and faithful ways, and we value diversity in race, gender, sexual orientation, denomination and outlook on life. We meet year-round on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. For more info, directions, etc. please contact joelwinstead@gmail.com or pathfindersyoungadults@gmail.com