"The Rest of the 'Hinge'" - John 12: 12-50.
Hi everyone -- I hope it's on everyone's calendar that we're back to 1st and 3rd Mondays for the rest of the year. So this Monday March 5. I'm cooking. We'll continue our study with the rest of John 12 -- remembering how last time we talked about the raising of Lazarus and the supper at Bethany as a "hinge" in this gospel -- a turning point from the first part, when Jesus is giving "signs" about who he is and what he wants people to understand about him, and the second part, which tells the story of his death and resurrection. Your commentary, , chapter 8, "The Entry into Jerusalem," has some good guidance about this part of the gospel. In typical fashion, this part of the gospel of John gives us a familiar story that we can reflect on once again -- and also a number of "Wisdom sayings" having to do with spiritual light and darkness, and death and resurrection, and claims about who Jesus wants to be for his beloved disciples. It's a short and rich part of the gospel, and lots to explore -- have a look at it ahead of time if you have a chance, or just come listen and join in as we explore it together.

A group of young adults in our 20's and 30's,we gather twice a month for food, fellowship, Bible study and prayer. We enjoy reading the Bible in fresh and faithful ways, and we value diversity in race, gender, sexual orientation, denomination and outlook on life. We meet year-round on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. For more info, directions, etc. please contact joelwinstead@gmail.com or pathfindersyoungadults@gmail.com