Some of us are participating in the Walk for the Homeless in Northern Virginia in support of the "Empower the Homeless" campaign at
Samaritan Ministry of Greater Washington. Info on the successful walk in DC earlier this month can be found
here. Here is the info for those of us who are walking - please join us even if you haven't said you're coming!
a. ARRIVAL/TRANSPORTATION. We gather at St. George’s Episcopal Church, 915 North Oakland St., Arlington @ 9 a.m. to launch our walk to St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 2609 North Glebe Rd., Arlington where we will land. Coffee ‘n donuts or the like are available @ St. George’s – thank you St. George’s! St. George’s is METRO accessible: Virginia Square stop is the closest. Encourage folks to car pool or take METRO. Various Good Samaritan’s will be on hand to shuttle you back to St. George’s at the end of the walk (including but not limited to St. Mary’s van – thank you St. Mary’s!) Staff and Organizers will be there by 8:30 for you early birds!
b. REGISTRATION & CONTRIBUTIONS. No one has to pay to walk, though we encourage a contribution to Samaritan Ministry and want to register everyone we can. If you contribute at least $50 you will receive a t-shirt! Folks can register in advance off our website at or in person @ St. George’s.
c. PRAY for a good turnout and PLEASE,
- Forward the flyer attached or the e-blast that we sent last week (and will send again tonight) to your own networks . . . the more the merrier.
- Ensure that news of Saturday’s walk runs in your parish e-blast if one is going out today!
- As we have encouraged before, if your parish works with folks who include our homeless neighbors please encourage them to join us!
d. SIGNS and BANNERS! Walking is great, but how effective will we be if we are not noticed?
So, as we have encouraged before please make signs such as “Honk for the Homeless!” (as some of our more youthful citizens have coined) or “End Homelessness NOW!” Or “Housing FIRST!!” or whatever you think . . . and make them big. Also, bring your church’s banner to process.
e. WALKING RAIN or SHINE! After all, we’re walking for our homeless neighbors, who have to cope with the weather whatever it is . . . if it is a downpour we will gather inside the host church building, though the forecast is good.
f. BRING A WATER BOTTLE! It is going to be hot, though we will not be walking in the worst heat of the day.
g. BATHROOMS will be available at both St. George’s and St. Mary’s.
h. CALLING ALL SONG LEADERS! If you have good recall of marching and/or protest songs, please make yourselves known! I have some, but really need some help . . .
We are grateful for whoever comes and for prayers from those who cannot. True to the rich, regional nature of our Partnership, this walk is for all our partners – and I am aware of people and parishes from Maryland and the District already committed to crossing the Potomac Ocean for the Arlington Walk . . . thanks be to God.
May we empower our homeless neighbors! David+